
Changes Abound for the U.S. Commercial Construction Market

Written By: Charlie Barber

Posted October 7, 2023

Electrician SQ 1023

The U.S. commercial construction industry is a significant driver of economic growth, with its performance closely linked to various sectors, including electrical wholesalers. Below, we'll take a look at the current state of the U.S. commercial construction industry and explore its impact on the electrical wholesale market.

The U.S. commercial construction industry encompasses an array of projects, from office buildings and shopping centers to healthcare facilities and industrial structures. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry was thriving, driven by a robust economy and high demand for commercial real estate. The pandemic triggered significant disruptions, leading to project delays, and supply chain challenges.

Recovery and Growth

Residential Construction: The pandemic's influence on lifestyles, including remote work and shifting preferences, resulted in a surge in residential construction. These residential projects often entail substantial electrical work, benefiting electrical wholesalers who supply materials for these projects.

Infrastructure Investment: As part of an effort to stimulate economic recovery, the U.S. government has directed substantial focus toward infrastructure investments. This includes projects related to transportation, energy, healthcare facilities, and more, all of which have a considerable reliance on electrical products and systems.

Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed work environments, ushering in an era of remote work. The ripple effect of this change extends beyond office-based industries, particularly impacting the commercial construction sector. The sudden reduced demand for office space has commercial construction companies adjusting their strategies and priorities. A recent study by Cushman & Wakefield, a global real estate services firm, reported that, on average, only 35% of office space was in use during the pandemic. This underutilization has continued to a degree and driven many businesses to reconsider their office space needs. In many cases, office construction plans were shelved in place of companies looking to utilize their existing facilities more efficiently.

The current state of the U.S. commercial construction industry presents a mix of challenges and opportunities. The industry is showing signs of recovery, with government investments in infrastructure and shifting utilization and transformation of commercial office facilities. This recovery provides growth prospects for electrical wholesalers, but it also may necessitate adaptability, effective supply chain management, and a focus on sustainable and innovative electrical products to align with the evolving needs of the construction industry. In this dynamic landscape, electrical wholesalers will continue to play a pivotal role in supporting and advancing commercial construction in the U.S.