
Going the Extra Mile: What a Partnership with DWC Looks Like

Written By: Dannion King

Posted September 9, 2024


At Distributor Wire & Cable, our commitment to customer success goes beyond just delivering quality products. Our sales team is dedicated to ensuring that every partner gets the support they need, exactly when they need it. Here’s what that looks like in action:

1. Meeting Tight Deadlines – Brett Mentzer’s Story

Timing is everything in the wire and cable industry, and when a customer called Brett Mentzer at 1:30 p.m. on a Thursday needing 18 cuts of 750 XHHW BLK AL for delivery the next day, Brett wasted no time. The order was processed through our Kansas City warehouse by 2:15 p.m., and thanks to DWC’s swift response and cutting capabilities, the product was cut and shipped that same day. As Brett was entering the order and making sure DWC could deliver, he sent a text to Kevin Druffel in Outside Sales, so he could communicate with the Distributor. By 10 a.m. the next morning, the cable had arrived, helping the customer avoid delays and get out of a bind. This is the kind of efficiency and teamwork our partners can always rely on.

2. Custom Solutions Without Extra Costs – Joe Von Kennel’s Approach

Sometimes, it’s not just about finding the right product but offering it in the right way. Joe Von Kennel recently helped a customer who needed 100-foot cuts of shielded Cat6 tray cable. Many factories turned the customer away, and other distributors wanted to charge hefty cut fees. Joe, understanding the customer’s frustration, leveraged DWC’s ability to provide custom cuts without cut charges. This saved the customer not only a lot of money but also significant time, reinforcing the value of choosing a flexible and responsive partner like DWC.

3. Above and Beyond, Even on Holidays – Jack Pando’s Commitment

At DWC, our team’s commitment to our customers doesn’t take a break—even on holidays. Jack Pando exemplified this dedication when he was visiting his grandmother in New Mexico for a recent holiday. In the middle of this trip, Jack received an urgent request from a customer dealing with an emergency shutdown at Dickinson Refinery. Despite being on vacation, Jack immediately jumped into action. He worked with hot shot companies to find trucks in Kansas City and Denver, arranged after-hours access to our warehouses, and coordinated material delivery. By the time Monday morning rolled around, the customer had everything they needed to get back up and running—thanks to Jack’s quick thinking and tireless effort.

A Partnership Built on Reliability and Dedication

These stories showcase what it truly means to partner with DWC. They are just a few in a book filled with everyday interactions, just like these. Our team is always ready to go the extra mile to ensure your success, no matter the situation. Whether it’s finding stock at the last minute, offering custom solutions, or even working through holidays, our sales staff is committed to making sure your needs are met. When you partner with DWC, you’re not just getting wire and cable—you’re getting a dedicated team that’s ready to support your business at every turn.