
DWC 15th Anniversary - Looking back with Senior Account Manager, Robert Saldi

Written By: The Monthly Wire

Posted November 13, 2023

Robert Saldi

At Distributor Wire & Cable (DWC), we’re celebrating our 15th anniversary this year. As part of this celebration, we’re taking time to look back at our past with some of our more seasoned DWC Family members. This month, we hear from Robert Saldi, Senior Account Manager. Robert had been with DWC since the very beginning, and has plenty of exciting stories and insight to share. Recently, Robert sat down with us to share his unique perspective on DWC’s 15 -year journey so far. The Monthly Wire: What has been the most rewarding aspect of working for the company for the past 15 years? Robert Saldi: I think that the best will have to be that I have seen the way that DWC has changed the industry, in how we quote, how we send out quotes, how we reward our customers, and how we take care of our team members. We are always on the front line, improving things, and never being afraid of change. TMW: Looking back, what would you say has been the company's greatest strength that has led to its longevity? RS: That we are constantly maneuvering with the way the market has moved and shifted. We are always willing to look internal to see if we can do anything to make our business work better for our customers and for our vendors. We are always making sure that all three groups can accomplish their business goals and work together. TMW: You’ve been with DWC longer than most. Compare the early days of the company with today’s DWC. Describe how the company has evolved over the years? RS: The early days were like the wild west, the founders of the company and I were selling whatever we could to get a foot in the door with distributors. There were days when our owner would jokingly tell me, "I need you to land this order, or I can't pay you". Again, he was of course kidding, but I suspected that there was more truth to that statement than he was letting on (laughs). TMW: Can you share a memorable experience or milestone from the past 15 years that stands out to you? RS: So many to choose from. There was that time when someone's leg came through the drop ceiling in our old office. An unnamed employee had an unhealthy obsession with the TV in our office (a few people will know what that means). The Nerf Hoop in our sales area saw plenty of high-stakes H-O-R-S-E games back in the day. But my favorite, was when we took over the second part of the building at our old building in Denver. Our first ever expansion. We were maybe 8 or 9 employees at the time, and it seemed massive. I remember telling others at the time, "It's like we're a real company" (laughs). DWC looks a little different now to say the least. We've grown like crazy over the years! TMW: What advice would you give to new employees based on your experience with the company? RS: Stick with it! DWC is a company that rewards hard work and dedication. Every time I talk to a new hire, I always give them a few nuggets of advice. Always own up to your mistakes, be proactive in solving the issue so you can fix them, and ask how you can avoid doing them in the future! Listen and implement the changes suggested, and everything will be great! Also, when I started here, I was told that DWC does things differently than others in our space. Honestly, I did not believe them when they told me, but now after 15 years. I can say that it is 100% true. It's always "customer first" and there is much more collaboration than you see at other companies in our industry. It's also the general attitude and care that people have in their jobs and for their co-workers.