
Checking in on the U.S. Oil & Gas Market

Written By: Charlie Barber

Posted September 19, 2023

OilRig sq 0923

Like many businesses, electrical distributors located in specific regions of the country are key suppliers to the oil & gas sector. From the North Slope of Alaska down to the Eagle Ford Shale Play in South Texas, the energy industry can be a significant market driver for the electrical supply chain. Staying informed on the oil & gas market can enable distributors to make better decisions and increase chances of success.

The U.S. oil and gas industry is experiencing a unique blend of challenges and opportunities as we move into the latter half of 2023 and look ahead to 2024. As of September 2023, West Texas Intermediate oil prices are hovering around $90 per barrel. This signals a significant recovery in a year that saw prices dip into the mid-$60 range at the beginning of the Summer.

Several factors continue to influence the WTI price forecast through 2024:

Global Economic Recovery: The ongoing recovery from economic impact of the pandemic, coupled with rising energy demand, is putting upward pressure on oil prices. Economists and analysts predict that this trend will continue into 2024 as the world's economies continue to regain their footing.

Geopolitical Tensions: Persistent geopolitical conflicts and uncertainties in oil-producing regions, such as the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe have the potential to disrupt global oil supplies. Such tensions can contribute to fluctuations in crude prices.

Energy Transition: The global shift towards cleaner energy sources and increased efforts to combat climate change may influence oil prices. As countries invest in renewables and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, the oil market could face long-term challenges.

Given these factors, many industry experts anticipate that WTI prices will remain relatively strong and may even experience moderate growth through 2024. However, it's important to note that oil prices can be highly volatile and are highly subject to unforeseen events.

The strength of the market will remain the key driver of the U.S. Rig Count Forecast Through 2024:

The U.S. rig count, a key indicator of drilling activity, has been on a gradual upward trajectory since the pandemic-induced lows in 2020. As of September 2023, the rig count stands at just shy of 650 active rigs, reflecting signs of that the domestic oil industry may be inching toward a recovery in drilling activity. The U.S. rig count forecast for 2024 depends on several factors:

Oil Price Stability: The direction of oil prices plays a pivotal role in influencing drilling activity. A sustained increase in oil prices will align with lifting costs and incentivize more drilling, potentially leading to near-term increases in rig count.

Regulatory Environment: Changes in regulations and environmental policies can impact drilling activity. Ongoing regulatory shifts may either encourage or discourage exploration and production.

Technological Advancements: Advances in drilling technologies continue to enhance efficiency and reduce lifting costs. These innovations can drive increased drilling activity, especially in economically viable basins.

Based on the current trends and expectations of a moderately rising oil price environment, it's reasonable to project a gradual increase in the U.S. rig count through 2024. However, industry stakeholders should remain vigilant and adaptable, as unforeseen developments can influence drilling activity.

The U.S. oil and gas industry is entering 2024 with cautious optimism. Near $90 WTI Crude price forecasts suggest a potential for continued recovery, while the rig count is expected to rise steadily. Nevertheless, the industry's resilience and adaptability will be tested by ongoing factors that are moving this market. Staying informed and agile will be essential for electrical wholesalers as they navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the U.S. oil & gas market. Regardless of the economic climate, the U.S. fossil fuel industry will continue to serve as a strong vertical market for electrical wholesalers in 2023 and beyond.